Try Chris Hemsworth's Simple-Yet-Killer Slam-Ball Workout

This simple, yet hard-as-hell slam-ball workout will help you build power and functional strength.

Social media platforms offer us an opportunity to take a peek into celebrities' day-to-day lives, which include their workout routines. Some of these exercises are exclusive and high-end (e.g., Tracee Ellis Ross following the Gyrotonic method), while others serve as simple yet highly effective workouts that anyone can do at home (e.g., Jennifer Garner's full-body workout routine). An example of such basic but efficient workouts was shared by Chris Hemsworth on Instagram in February 2022. In his post, Hemsworth is seen doing seven different exercises with a 16-pound slam ball, also known as a medicine ball, from his training app Centr. The ease and simplicity of the workout make it straightforward; you only need a medicine ball, a wall, and the determination to get your heart racing. The routine involves doing five reps of each exercise, taking a two-minute break, and then repeating the entire process for four rounds. Although five reps may not sound challenging, Hemsworth's expression at the end of the video reveals it's quite strenuous, even for him. Andy Stern, NASM-certified personal trainer and vice president of talent and programming at Rumble Boxing, states, "A power-packed full-body workout can be achieved with a slam ball." Stern further explains that dynamic exercises like the ones demonstrated by Hemsworth target the shoulders, biceps, triceps, chest, core, and legs, proving them to be one of the most effective ways to build strength and cardiovascular endurance simultaneously. Ingrid Clay, a fitness coach with Centr, adds that these power-based exercises can help make daily activities easier, improving your overall quality of life and reducing the risk of injury. She says, "In this workout, the slam ball uses movements [that] you use every day: reaching, squatting, sitting up out of bed, turning and twisting." By emulating daily life movements, you can build functional strength.

How to Add Slam-Ball Workouts to Your Routine

With all those benefits mentioned, it would be understandable if you wanted to grab the nearest slam ball and crank out these exercises — but this isn't an ideal routine for beginner exercisers, notes Stern. "While these moves seem simple by design, without proper coaching of the rotation for the twists or bending of the slams, a beginner can easily injure themselves," he explains.

Here are a couple pointers for safely incorporating this slam-ball workout into your routine:

First Try the Slam-Ball Workout with Just Your Bodyweight

With clients who are new to slam-ball workouts, Clay prefers to start them off doing the routine with just their body weight, which helps them practice the movements and the coordination involved, she says. Once they've nailed the exercises down, she adds in a light weight and gradually builds up from there. "Form is super important, so always learn the correct form before adding any weight," says Clay.

Don't Shy Away from Modifications

Hemsworth's fitness routine includes advanced exercises like side-to-side push-ups. However, if you're a beginner, these can be modified by kneeling or doing regular push-ups without using the ball. For wall slams on the side that might be difficult, you can reduce intensity by tapping the ball lightly and performing the exercise slower for floor slams, as per Clay's advice. When it comes to core-centric movements, you can substitute sit-ups with crunches and keep your heels grounded during the Russian twists, adds Clay. The right choice of medicine ball also has potential to adjust the level of difficulty in many exercises.

Choose the Right Weight for You

"Going too heavy with the weight of the slam ball isn't necessarily better," says Stern. "There are benefits to using a lighter, more manageable weight so that you can quickly crush through reps, without losing form," he explains. When in doubt, start light and level up if it feels too easy. Keep in mind that "as you get into the later rounds, you may feel that weight get heavier and it may take more time to complete the circuit," adds Stern.

Chris Hemsworth's Functional Slam-Ball Workout

Excited to try out Hemsworth's intense slam-ball workout? Follow Clay's demonstrations of the moves listed below the next time you're in the mood for a rigorous workout, or simply use it as motivation for an Avengers binge later. Nobody would fault you. Here's how it's done: Carry out 5 rounds of each exercise. Once completed, take a 2-minute break, then repeat. Complete 4 cycles in total. What will be required: a medicine ball and a wall suitable for slamming it against.

Slam Right

A. Stand a few feet away from a wall, facing perpendicular with the wall on the right side of body. Hold a medicine ball in both hands at chest height.

B. Wind up, pulling the ball over to left hip, then throw it directly to the right, slamming it against the wall. Keep core engaged throughout.

C. Catch the ball as it rebounds off the wall, then begin the next rep.

Do 5 reps.

Slam Left

A. Stand a few feet away from a wall, facing perpendicular with the wall on the left side of body. Hold a medicine ball in both hands at chest height.

B. Wind up, pulling the ball over to right hip, then throw it directly to the left, slamming it against the wall. Keep core engaged throughout.

C. Catch the ball as it rebounds off the wall, then begin the next rep.

Do 5 reps.

Floor Slam

A. Stand with feet shoulder-width apart holding a medicine ball in both hands.

B. Raise the medicine ball overhead, coming onto toes, then exhale and slam the ball down onto the floor between feet.

C. Catch the ball as it rebounds off the floor, then begin the next rep.

Do 5 reps.

Front Squat

A. Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, holding a medicine ball in both hands at chest height.

B. Hinge at hips and bend knees to lower into a squat, keeping chest tall and knees tracking over toes.

C. Press into feet to stand up and return to the starting position.

Do 5 reps.


Commence in an elevated plank pose on the ground, ensuring your palms are right beneath your shoulders and your legs outstretched, keeping your feet wider than the width of your shoulders. Your right palm should rest on a medicine ball positioned beneath your right shoulder.

Bend your elbows outward so that your arms form a 45-degree angle with your body. Maintain your gaze downwards to keep your neck neutral. Engage your core and ensure your body forms a straight line from your head to your toes. Gradually bend your elbows to lower your body, stopping approximately 3 inches above the ground.

Push down onto the floor to return to the initial position. Shift your left hand onto the ball beneath your left shoulder and place your right hand on the ground directly under your right shoulder.

Extend your elbows outward so your arms form a 45-degree angle with your body. Keep your gaze downward to maintain a neutral neck position. Engage your core again and assure your body forms a unbroken line from your head to your toes. Slowly bend at your elbows to lower your body until you're about 3 inches off the ground.

Finally, push against the floor to return back to the starting position. Repeat this exercise for a total of 10 reps, alternating between both sides.


A. Lie faceup on the floor with knees bent and heels resting on the ground, holding a medicine ball on chest with both hands.

B. Engage core to drive torso upward toward thighs, pressing the medicine ball overhead.

C. Lower torso and ball back to the floor to return to starting position.

Do 5 reps.

Russian Twist

A. Sit on the ground with knees bent and feet flat on the floor in front of body. Hold a medicine ball in both hands in front of chest.

B. Keeping hips square and core engaged, rotate torso to tap the medicine ball to the floor on the outside of right hip.

C. Immediately rotate the medicine ball to the other side, tapping it to the floor outside left hip.

Do 5 reps per side

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