The Total-Body Circuit That Keeps Madonna Toned on Tour

Want a body that ages backward like Madge? Try her explosive cardio moves and strengthening dumbbell exercises that really turn up the burn

As Madonna gears up for her upcoming tour, starting August 29, it's certain she'll be spending extra hours in the gym. The pop superstar is known for her youthful appearance and toned physique, a result of her dedicated fitness routine. Her personal trainer and creative director for Hard Candy Fitness, Craig Smith, shares the workout that helps Madonna stay in top shape. "This regimen includes total-body exercises followed by high-intensity cardiovascular activities. It not only tones the entire body but also burns a considerable amount of calories," says Smith. This simple and accessible workout can be done anywhere, even on a tour bus. You just need a pair of 3-5 lb dumbbells. Carry out each exercise uninterruptedly for 60 seconds, for the prescribed number of repetitions and sets. Rest for 60 seconds. Repeat the circuit 2-3 times, resting for 60 seconds between each set. Since these are compound exercises, they target the whole body. They are straightforward and easy to follow. A Squat to Dumbbell Swing with Chest Fly is one such exercise.

Begin in an upright posture with your feet spread out at hip width. Grasp a pair of dumbbells, weighing between 3-5 pounds, with your palms facing each other. Ensure that your chest is raised as you push your hips back into a deep squat.

As you push through your heels to stand up, swing the dumbbells up till they reach shoulder height, with your arms fully extended in front of you. Your palms should be neutral, facing towards your body.

Immediately move into a standing chest fly position. Drive your shoulder blades down your back while slightly bending your elbows and opening both arms sideways. Draw your arms back in. This completes one repetition. Aim for 15 repetitions.

The next exercise is the Standing Tricep Pushdown with V-Lift to Full Extension.

Begin your exercise routine in an upright position, each hand firmly grasping a dumbbell. Ensure your elbows are bent to form a right angle, aligning perfectly with the outer section of your waist. As you lower your arms downward, making sure the dumbbells descend towards your thighs, simultaneously raise your right knee up to waist level. Next, extend your right leg outward for a heel strike ahead of you. As you retract your leg, return your arms back to their initial 90-degree angle. One complete cycle of these movements counts as a single rep. Carry out this exercise for 10-15 reps on each side. Lastly, hold a Dumbbell Plank while executing an Alternating Knee Drive.

A Holding weights, begin in a full plank position with hands shoulder-width apart, abs tight, and feet together. Drive one knee towards the chest, as if performing a slow mountain climber.

B Step back into the full plank position, then bring the other knee to the chest. Continue alternating for 10-20 reps on each side.

Jumping Jacks with Flying Jack

A Perform three basic jumping jacks.

B After the third jack, squat slightly then jump up, opening arms and legs mid-air into an "X" shape. Land in starting position, absorbing the landing with slightly bent knees. Perform as many reps as possible in one minute.

Side Lunge to Upright Row

Initiate from a standing posture, grasping a pair of dumbbells weighing 3-5 pounds. Allow your arms to dangle before you, with palms facing each other. Transition your right leg into a side lunge, placing the weights on either side of your knee.

Ensuring that your chest remains upright, exert force through your heel to return to an erect position. Elevate the dumbbells towards your torso, with elbows oriented away from your body. Once the dumbbells reach chest height, hold for a moment or two before lowering them back to their initial position. Aim to execute as many reps as possible on one side in thirty seconds, then switch to perform on the opposite side for an additional thirty seconds.

Following this, transition into a hip hinge and continue into a standing rotation. This compound exercise is ideal for toning and can be easily incorporated into your fitness regime.

A Start in standing position, holding dumbbells, hands in front of thighs, arms in extension. Hinge forward at the hips for a deadlift.

B When rising, extend arms straight in front of the body. Lift arms towards the sky, rotating to the right side. Return to the center, perform a deadlift, then lift arms towards the left. That's one rep. Continue alternating sides for sixty seconds.

Diagonal Crunch

A Start in a plank position. Crunch left knee towards right elbow, hold for 1-2 seconds, then step back to plank.

B Crunch right knee to left elbow, hold for 1-2 seconds, then step back to plank. Jump to standing position. That's one rep. Perform as many reps as possible in sixty seconds.

Lateral Shuffle to Touchdown

Start by positioning your feet a bit wider than the width of your hips. Proceed to descend into a squatting stance. Subsequently, make four shuffle steps to your right side and lightly tap the ground. Do the same for your left side. Maintain this routine for a full minute. Showcased Model: Brittney Levine; Attire: Jungle Fever Active Sports bralette from We Are Handsome ($70; Available at; Jungle Fever Active Leggings from We Are Handsome ($175; Available at

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