Jennifer Lopez and Alex Rodriguez Share Home Workout Circuit Video

Even their daughters joined in on the fun.

Renowned celebrities Jennifer Lopez and Alex Rodriguez are well-known fitness enthusiasts, often sharing their robust workout routines with their social media followers. With the advent of the COVID-19 pandemic, like many of us, they too have had to adapt their workouts for a home setting. In a recent social media post, Rodriguez revealed a 20-minute circuit workout that he, Lopez, and his daughters, Natasha aged 15 and Ella aged 12, performed in their backyard. For those new to fitness jargon, circuit training is a series of exercises that exercise different muscle groups. Rodriguez's circuit effectively balances cardio and strength training. The workout kicks off with a brisk 400-meter run to elevate heart rates, followed by a combination of strength training exercises. These consist of kettlebell swings, push-ups, dumbbell biceps curls, dumbbell overhead presses, and dumbbell bent-over rows. Rodriguez also mentioned on Instagram that workout equipment can be replaced with everyday household items. He suggested using soup cans or detergent bottles instead of kettlebells and dumbbells. He encourages his followers to share their experience and reminds them to stay safe during this health crisis. (Explore further ways to incorporate household items into your workout routine.)

Watching J. Lo and A-Rod's home workout regime, it's evident they're not just breaking a sweat, but enjoying the process too. Throughout the workout, you can hear Lopez giving tips to Natasha and Ella. Lopez reminds them to "Use your core" while doing the dumbbell overhead presses, emphasizing the importance of tightening the stomach. Her workout advice isn't just encouraging—it's accurate too. The overhead press is regarded as one of the ideal exercises for shoulder strengthening. While it appears to primarily target your upper body, your core is crucial in keeping proper form, especially when performing the exercise standing up like J. Lo. As Clay Ardoin, D.P.T., C.S.C.S., co-founder of Houston's medical fitness training facility SculptU, previously mentioned, the amount of stabilization required when performing an overhead press in standing position translates to significant core strength. (By the way, core strength is vital, and it's not just about getting a six-pack.) Get ready to be inspired by their full workout displayed below. Heads up: The Rodriguez-Lopez family makes this demanding circuit seem effortless.

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