Kaley Cuoco Did a Cardio Abs Workout — Try the Full Workout

Cuoco's trainer confirms that the actress has a "never miss a Monday" outlook.

Emmy-winning actress Kaley Cuoco recently gave us a peek into her "Monday sweat sesh" on Instagram Stories, showcasing how she gets back on track after a grueling seven-month filming period for the second season of the popular HBO series, The Flight Attendant. Her trainer, Ryan Sorensen, informed Shape that Cuoco is currently carving out a cardio-centric fitness plan, focusing on high-energy and rhythmically challenging exercises to boost her heart rate, mobility, and coordination after her lengthy filming stint.

Sorensen also revealed that while Cuoco's Monday workout seems intense, each day poses a different challenge in terms of intensity and type of exercises. The goal is progressive improvement rather than sticking to a rigid routine. Depending on her energy level and mood, the workout sessions range from light to highly engaging.

Cuoco swears by the "never miss a Monday," mantra, using her workouts to kickstart her week on a high note. She especially amps up her workout intensity on Mondays, shares Sorensen. You too can infuse some of Cuoco's workout enthusiasm into your routine if you have access to a step platform, medicine balls, and a VersaClimber - a vertical cardio machine that simulates climbing. For an added dose of motivation and help with partner passes, engage a workout buddy just like Cuoco does with her pal and stunt double, Monette Moio. Even without a partner, this routine is doable and promises to get your heart racing.

Kaley Cuoco's Cardio and Core Workout

How it works: Complete each move for the indicated number of reps.

You'll need: A step platform and two medicine balls. Bonus if your gym has a VersaClimber — if not, try a rowing machine or ladder machine for a similar cardio challenge that's gentle on joints.

Single-Leg Step-Ups

Begin in a standing position with your feet hip-width apart, arms relaxed by your sides, and face towards the front of an elevated platform. Position your right foot on the step while keeping your quadriceps, glutes, and core active throughout.

Apply pressure through your right foot to ascend onto the top of the platform in a single-leg movement, simultaneously raising your left knee to hip level, ensuring you maintain balance throughout the action.

With control, lower your left leg back to the ground to return to the starting position. Complete this action 15 times before switching sides and repeating.

Box Jumps

A. Stand in front of platform with feet shoulder-width apart.

B. Swing arms and hinge hips back keeping chest tall, back flat, and core engaged.

C. Use momentum to swing arms forward, jumping up and slightly forward onto platform, landing softly with both feet to protect joints.

Do 15 reps in rapid-fire succession with little time spent on the ground in between each rep.

Medicine Ball Sit-Ups

A. Lie on back, holding a medicine ball in both hands. Lift legs and upper body off the ground to form a "V" shape with body, keeping knees bent and tailbone securely on the mat.

B. Push ball away from chest while straightening knees. Return ball to chest while bending knees.

C. Continue movement without lowering feet to the floor.

Do 15 reps in rapid-fire succession.

Medicine Ball Partner Pass

Commence by lying down with your legs positioned like a tabletop, and your workout partner positioned at the foot end. Place one medicine ball on your shins while holding another in your hands, right in front of your chest.

You then toss the medicine ball to your partner, simultaneously retrieving the other medicine ball as your partner replaces it with the first one. Make sure you are focusing on enhancing your coordination and core strength with each movement. Repeat this for a total of 15 reps, at a rapid-fire pace.

Cap off your routine with any preferred cardio exercise which could be using a VersaClimber, ladder machine, or a rowing machine. If these options aren't available, even an elliptical would do to increase your heart rate without putting unnecessary pressure on your joints.

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