6-Week Half-Marathon Training Plan

This advanced training plan will help you cross the finish line with your fastest half-marathon time yet.

Perhaps you've impulsively committed to a half marathon in the near future, or maybe you're a seasoned runner seeking a new test. Regardless of how you arrived here, if you're staring at a six-week countdown to a 13.1-mile race, it's understandable if nerves are starting to creep in. Fear not, though: Veteran runners who maintain consistent weekly mileage can successfully prepare for their target race with a six-week half marathon training regimen. This article offers insight into the suitability of a shortened half marathon schedule and provides a comprehensive six-week half marathon training plan. Kayla Jeter, C.P.T., an RRCA-accredited running coach, NASM-certified personal trainer, and certified functional strength coach, has expertly designed this plan.

Who Should Use This 6-Week Half-Marathon Training Plan?

Understand that this six-week half-marathon training schedule isn't designed for novices or those participating in a half marathon for the first time, as Jeter clarifies. "This regimen is suitable for individuals who have previously participated in a half marathon or have a background in middle-distance running," she elaborates. "You have established a regular running routine, and you're already competing, or you have a solid running foundation." This half-marathon training program is also aimed at runners looking to achieve specific objectives (i.e., setting a new personal record or striving for a particular completion time). Ideally, you should be capable of easily covering 6 miles, and you've already competed in a few half-marathons. In a standard half-marathon preparation program, your weekly mileage typically increases by approximately 10%; however, with this condensed training cycle, your mileage will rise more rapidly. To facilitate your body's adjustment to increased time spent on foot, it's crucial to incorporate strategic recovery periods. As Jeter points out, "your training intensity can only match your recovery ability." Engaging in low-intensity active recovery days can enhance blood circulation, eliminate metabolic waste like lactic acid, decrease muscle soreness, and enable you to maintain your training routine without succumbing to the strain of intense training. On your recovery days, include steady-state cardio activities of low intensity, such as swimming, cycling, yoga, and dynamic stretching. On your cross-training days, there's no need to push yourself to reach your maximum one-time lift during every workout session, Jeter advises. "The emphasis here remains on enhancing running-related strength," she instructs. "The objective here is to develop a robust strength foundation, not to exhaust yourself. You shouldn't experience any post-workout muscle soreness." Finally, ensure your mindset stays positive throughout the training cycle. At the start of each week, perform what Jeter terms a 'mindset check.' "Set an objective for the week, jot down your goals, formulate a plan of action, and remind yourself why you run," she recommends. "Since six weeks is relatively short, ensure that you relish every single week."

6-Week Half-Marathon Training Plan for Advanced Runners

Ready to run? View Jeter's 6-week half-marathon training plan below, and learn everything you need to know about training for a half marathon here.

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